Loffee Magazine
Dein Blog über Lupinenkaffee
Erfahre in unserem Blog alles über Lupinenkaffee: Wie man ihn anbaut, produziert und zubereitet. Entdecke, wie die Herstellung von Lupinenkaffee dem Umwelt- und Klimaschutz dient, welche Aromen und Geschmacksrichtungen du bei welcher Zubereitungsart erwarten kannst und vieles mehr! Verfasst wird er direkt von den Röstern und Produzenten und stetig erweitert.

Umwelt & Gesundheit
Lupine coffee during pregnancy - enjoyment without compromises
During pregnancy, your own diet is so much in the center, as is probably never the case. After all, the baby should be as good as possible. It is not uncommon for loving habits and rituals to be ab...

Umwelt & Gesundheit
Caffeine withdrawal - The start to a caffeine-free life
What can you expect when starting a caffeine-free life? Find out all about the possible withdrawal symptoms, how you can alleviate them and the benefits of living without caffeine.

Umwelt & Gesundheit
7 lupin products you should know about
Lupins are not only delicious and nutritious when roasted. Here are 7 lupin products you should definitely know about.

Umwelt & Gesundheit
The 7 most popular decaffeinated coffee alternatives
In addition to lupin coffee, there are other hot drinks on the market for caffeine-free coffee alternatives. An inventory.

Buying lupin coffee - what you should look out for
Find out everything you need to know to find the perfect lupin coffee for you - from the right roast level and certifications to the taste and, above all, where you can buy lupin coffee.

Loffee - The production & the brains behind it
Loffee is roasted just as elaborately as the best conventional coffees. Find out more about the production of lupin coffee & the people behind it here.

Preparing lupin coffee in a French press & filter - how it works
How to make lupin coffee in a French press & filter and get the best out of your next cup of coffee. Loffee out of your next cup.

Umwelt & Gesundheit
Alkaline, organic & caffeine-free: Is lupin coffee really that healthy?
We investigate the question and look at the properties of Loffee in more detail.

Umwelt & Gesundheit
The bee loves lupine
Loffee is not only good for us, bees also love the colorful flowers!